There are many health benefits to your child from breastfeeding, including prevention of infections such as ear infections, diarrhoea, and other bacterial and viral infections. It also helps in regulating the food intake and develops a healthy eating habits in the baby. Breastfeeding is an important aspect as it has antibodies which protect the baby from various diseases and helps in providing lifetime immunity to fight against many diseases.
One of the important health benefit of breastfeeding is prevention of obesity which has become the most serious health problems faced by the newborns today. Childhood obesity often leads to adult obesity, which causes many health problems including heart disease, diabetes, and even early death. Breast milk provides your baby with food that is easy to digest and very nutritious. It also helps in promoting healthy metabolism rate & preventing excess weight gain as it has lower levels of harmful insulinogenic acid which increases the risk of obesity and diabetes in later stages. Breastfed babies seem to be better able to regulate their food intake and thus are at lower risk for obesity.
Sometimes the mother’s incapability to breastfeed their babies leads to fed with formula milk and it can have adverse effects on baby as some formula feeds have high amount of proteins which is easily digestible for the new borns. Some formula milks might have a high quantity of harmful insulinogenic amino acids which makes the babies more prone to diseases like obesity & diabetes.
Thus, Breast milk has the appropriate amount of all the essential micro nutrients and it helps in maintaining a perfect balance in the body which in turn reduces the risk of obesity and other long-term diseases in the babies.