Millions of babies are born every day, most of them are blessed to be born hale and hearty, safe to live a full and happy life, but all are not fortunate enough as some babies come into this world premature and are weak or even suffer from restricted growth problems. It for these little angels who deserve to live long and a chance to survive has come up a unique milk donation bank “Amaara”.
Amaara which means Purity takes its name from the innocence that resides within these kids, who are far away from the shades of corruption and contamination that the human world holds.
Amaara, is one of its kind as it’s the first human milk bank in Delhi/NCR region. It is an initiative by Breast Milk Foundation in collaboration with Fortis la Femme, as these two come together, in an effort to provide human milk for premature and critically-ill babies.
Our aim is to provide preemie babies with the best possible nutrition for survival and healthy development. As researches have proven that human milk formulations have better results in new-borns’ treatment over formula feeds for healthy and quick recovery.
The Milk bank is well equipped to help with the donation process, while it will also provide its donor mothers with all the required help and care.