Milk Expression and Storageadmin2022-10-27T10:51:04+00:00
Always wash your hands before expressing
Wash the namely Bottle parts caps, valves and shield which come in contact with the milk with hot soapy water and sterilize
Express milk and Store properly in labeled (Date and Time) sterilize bottles provided by the bank in the refrigerator
ou may fill the bottle till the time it is full ensuring a 2cm gap and then place the bottle into the freezer within 24 hours of the first expression. Always tightly secure the id without touching the inside
Once the bottle is full, immediately place the bottle in the coldest part of your freezer (-15° C to -20° C)
When you express next, Start with the fresh bottle with the label of and repeat the steps from 1-5 When starting with the last bottle please call the milk bank
When you express next, Start with the fresh bottle with the label of and repeat the steps from 1-5 When starting with the last bottle please call the milk bank